
National Tobacco Control Program

Tobacco Cessation

The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats in all over India. It is common risk factors for the development of most of non communicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory disorders and cancer.

As per GATS-2 survey conducted in 2016-17 shows that in India, 10.7% of adults use smoking form of tobacco and 21.4% of adults using chewable tobacco, Around 38.7% of adults were exposed to second hand smoke at home & 30.2% of adults who work indoors are exposed to second-hand smoke at their workplace.

Government of Karnataka has initiated National Tobacco Control Program, under that District Tobacco Control Cell working with fully pledge team of District Consultant, Social worker, Psychologist and Data Entry operator in Udupi district.

Main objective of NTCP (National Tobacco Control Program) is to build capacity of professionals of district to implement tobacco control initiative effectively.

Tobacco Control Program